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The Juicy Apple In an orchard, apples grow, Red and green, they glisten. Hanging high and swinging low, To a crisp bite, we listen. Crunchy,...

The Juicy Apple a Kids Poem

The Juicy Apple

In an orchard, apples grow,
Red and green, they glisten.
Hanging high and swinging low,
To a crisp bite, we listen.

Crunchy, sweet, and sometimes tart,
A healthy, tasty treat.
Picked from trees, they fill our cart,
With flavors so complete.

Baked in pies or sliced to share,
Their goodness is a prize.
An apple a day, beyond compare,
Keeps the doctor wise.

In autumn’s breeze, they gently fall,
A harvest rich and grand.
To eat them fresh or not at all,
Is nature’s simple plan.